Nothing pleases us more than pleasing our customers like you. Apparently, that sits pretty well with them, too. But don't just take our word for it. Here are a few kind words our customers had to say about our printing firm. It's experiences like these - and the chance to work with such wonderful people - that make us look forward to coming to work each day.
Steven Lowery
National Church of God Bishop and Senior Pastor |
Greetings! Earlier today I was looking through some previous graphic and print items we have produced through the years. While doing so, I again became aware of the many projects that you and Allentown Press have accomplished for the National Church of God and your consistent quality workmanship. Our relationship goes back nearly 30 years and you have been a great asset to our ministry. For this, I express a sincere THANK YOU!
I do continue to be embarrassed by the number of times I have called in a last minute dilemma, but you have always been gracious and honest with your production times, and as accommodating as possible. Again, THANK YOU! I pray for your continued health and for the ongoing success of Allentown Press. www.nationalcog.com |